Saturday, September 05, 2009

Something a little different...

Some fanfiction. Torchwood. Drabbles =p
The Rules: Put your music player on shuffle. Write using the first five songs it plays, using only the time frame of that song.
I mostly followed them. I only cheated a tiny bit, and only the once =p

Brave Face - Delta Goodrem
She steps though the cog door and into the hub at 9am.
As she always does.
She waves good morning to Gwen and smiles as Ianto hands over her morning coffee.
As she always does.
Throughout the day she laughs at Jacks innuendo, and cringes the never ending stream of profanities that seem to come from Owen when he finally gets in.
As she always does.
She smiles and she laughs and she calculates and translates.
As she always does.
And when everyone is distracted and no one is paying any attention to her and her computer screen she brings up the pictures of her and Tommy.
As she always does.
Watches the video feed of the two of them leaving for pizza. So happy and free.
As she always does.
And she doesn't tell a soul just how much she misses him
She never does.

I'm Not Over You - Scouting for Girls
You left. And not just once.
No. First you went and died. For three days. I never thought I would see you again. And then you come back. And you kiss me in front of everyone. And it's a kiss full of promises of what could be. Of what we could be.
And then you leave again. And I wait. Thinking you'll be back. Thinking it's just another Captain Jack quirk and you'll be back. Three days, and you'll be back
But you're not.
Three weeks.
And nothing.
And I resign myself to getting over my Captain, who obviously must be over me if he could just leave so easily.
And then you come back
And I know.
I'm not over Jack. Fucking. Harkness.

Lately - S Club 7
Owen fidgets. He's usually so confident with his scalpel. So sure of exactly where to make the correct incision. But not today. Not now.
Today he is being watched. He should be used to that though. He is used to that. He's had people watching him completing autopsies before. Jack - to learn. Ianto - when bringing coffee and being unable to look away. Gwen - when they were fucking and she wanted to steal a kiss.
But he's never been uncomfortable before. And now Toshiko is watching him. And yet even her watching him has never been a bother.
But lately...
It's like every mistake he could make, every wrong incision is in the forefront of his mind and makes them a million times more likely to happen. For his hand to slip.
And he gets uncomfortable.
And he loses his confidence.
And he doesn't like it.
And refuses to show it.
And so he snaps at her. Lashes out and hurts her.
The one who's gaze has been making him feel so whole lately.

I Want Candy - Aaron Carter
Jack is all ready for a good night in. He has sent his team home. He has his cool kid shades on. He has his baggy white shirt. He has his pants off. He has the Hubs speakers primed and ready to go.
He has a hairbrush microphone, he has Aaron Carter, and he has the power.
He hits a button on his wrist strap and then Aaron and Jack are singing about just how much they would like some candy.
Jack is lost in the music. And yet somehow, he is able to head a cough from the direction of the tunnels. He spins slowly in that direction.
And his eyes meet the highly amused ones of Ianto Jones.
For once Jack is lost for words. Any other time he would have been fine with getting caught in the act and explaining it away. But Aaron Carter? How do you explain that away?
Ianto opens his mouth and Jack braces himself.
"Thank fuck I'm not Owen. Sir."

Hero - John Barrowman (lulz, i know =p)
They sway to the music together. So close together. She can feel his heat seeping into her, even though all the layers of their clothing.
Though it's not possible, she tries to pull him even closer into her. And she feels him do the same. Feels him trying to absorb her. Trying to melt into one another.
And she knows.
She knows that if she asked. If she said the word, he would take her away.
If she asked he would take her away from this life, leave it behind and live a different one together.
If she asked he would love her body as well as soul forever. Or at least for her forever.
Even now. Dancing with her on her wedding day.
And she knows he knows she wants to ask.
And that's why she can never ask him to.
Because he will.


Claire-de-la-lune said...

Such pretty little fanfics, they're so tiny and gorgeous like bite-sized choccies, better not be fattening too ;D
I like the one by Ianto, and the one with Jack and the candy. Very nice work :P

Anonymous said...

very very very good.